DeAngelo Marine recently had the pleasure of hosting various welding workshops for Junior Achievement of South Florida.

These recent graduates have chosen to pursue careers in the Marine Industry and now are getting a first hand look at all the trades the Marine Industry has to offer.

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Welding Workshop – After a quick safety briefing, the graduates got to work!

With the help of our ace Welder Stanley Sherwin & Master Fabricator Keenan Maines for a quick lesson on how to tack two pieces of metal together.

After that the grads met with Production Manager Camilo Aguilar who taught them how to fully weld their tacked together pieces on our automated welding Cobot.

Thanks to the lessons learned at Junior Achievement, all the graduates were well prepared, inquisitive, curious, and totally engaged. Not to mention, did some pretty good welding for a bunch of first timers! The future of the Marine Industry is looking BRIGHT!

Every detail counts, every step of the way.

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